VIII. Biodanza Festival 2025

16. 7. - 20. 7. 2024, Centrum Kubasův Mlýn

Czech Republic

Have a look what could the festival bring to you.

Do you want to be happy and fulfill your potential?

Do you wish to experience pure joy, satisfaction and happiness?

Is your desire to connect more with yourself, with others and with your life as such?

If you still can not achieve to live the life in which you feel happy, joyful and fulfilled, you may think, plan, and do, but perceive and feel not enough. You will not achieve a beautiful life only with your mind. 

Experience a real connection with yourself, with others, with your life, and your world will change.

Satisfaction is based on our connection. The first step is really to feel this connection. To perceive yourself and the life as it is. The second step is to do what you actually feel. In short, organize your life as you really want it.

Now you have an opportunity to really feel this connection!

Thanks to the Biodanza Festival you can also experience feelings of harmony, relaxation, love, joy, solidarity and satisfaction!


Biodanza festival is an opportunity to re-connect with ourselves, each other and Life as such.

From this space of true solidarity and connection on all three levels we will be nourished, inspired and energized for our personal journey.

Biodanza festival is a space where we can freely be ourselves and dance the unique dance of our live.

It is a a place of little and bigger miracles happening inside and outside. There are possibilities opening up for new perception of ourselves, our relationships, our life. 

Biodanza festival is a place, where we can meet old and new friends.

We can dance, have fun, live out our beauty, rest and enjoy life. We can simply and truly be together

Biodanza festival is a space for inspiration. It positively influences and heals our beautiful czech land.

Biodanza festival connects, harmonizes and brings more understanding, love and joy to our day-to-day reality.

What did the participants of the last year say about the festival?

Biodanza fills me with love and joy, connects me with amazing people and with myself. I love dancing and thanks to Biodanza, I’ve learned to enjoy everything that life brings to me.


Biodanza helps me to connect with my inner self – it helps me to find and ruin the walls that I have built up in my whole life. Definitely try the festival and come. You’ll take away at least one inspirational experience, but I’m sure there will be more.


Biodanza represents for me the finest and most pleasant way to meet with the true myself, with its bright and unspoiled places and the real world of people around. It is a miracle how much intimacy and love is among people and how easily it can actually be shared.


Reach the opportunity to be yourself and to feel the sense of absolute freedom while living out wonderful days with equally tuned people.


It’s a unique experience! It is not possible to describe the uniqueness of Biodanza and its benefits for everyone separately. You just have to try it!


Festival values



we are kind to ourselves, to each other and to the life 

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we share the colors of life together



we all go our own way, but we are on the same boat and travel together



just enough to be a human being, just to be yourself..



we can enjoy our lives with such ease and playfulness

Our festival facilitators 2024
Program for 2025 is in preparation


Aneta Končulová, Czech Republic​

She is a facilitator and founder of Biodanza in Czech Republic. Her passion is to unlock human potential through music, movement, emotions and group dynamics. She has been Biodanza lecturer since 2008, after accomplishing a 3 year training course for facilitators in England. Her vision is a society in which we live our full potential in harmony, joy and love and we perceive our belonging to others as well as to nature. Therefore, she is dedicated to the development of Biodanza in Czech republic. Methodology of Biodanza very gently and effectively brings people together and connects them and brings them back to their nature and to the living of fulfilled humanity. She lives with her husband and two sons Tobias and Matěj in a small village near Beroun. She enjoys being a mother and also being a lecturer of Biodanza lessons and seminars in Beroun and Prague.

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Markéta Hrabalová, Czech Republic​

Marketa has been interested in learning and personal development for over 15 years. She has 8 years of experience with Biodanza. Since her first lesson, she knew that Biodanza was „the right direction“ on her way.  She completed her three year training in Germany with facilitator from Argentina. Since 2014, she has been leading regular lessons in Prague where she lives. Besides Biodanza, she loves swimming. She says that Biodanza changed her life. She began to feel more, to perceive herself, her feelings and her body. The experience of Biodanza began to influence her „normal“ life, which gradually became richer and more beautiful. She began to experience the forgotten joy of life again. Biodanza has become an important part of her life, and passing it on brings Markéta a feeling of fulfillment.  She keeps admiring how mystical is what is happening during the dance and how deep and healing experiences can be brought in by Biodanza. It is something that can not be described by words.

Pablo profilovka

Pablo Escorcia (Colombia - Germany)


Pablo Escorcia, Colombia – Germany I work in Berlin as a Biodanza teacher, yogi, coach, and counselor. My life journey led me to connect the practical world of business with the world of yoga and dance. My life goal is to raise human consciousness through experiencing gratitude and love and creating a better world. Since 2005, I have been a certified Biodanza teacher trainer. I guide my students and Biodanza teachers to deepen their practice and improve their understanding of the Biodanza system. I have created many Biodanza programs for private and public organizations. I have also incorporated elements of shamanism into Biodanza, lead Biodanza in companies, and offer regular weekly classes in Berlin. As a teacher, dancer, and speaker, I have participated in many international Biodanza conferences in more than 10 countries on 4 continents.

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Natasha Kern (Slovenia)

A passionate explorer of life and movement expression, she fell in love with Biodanza in 2002. She immediately started traveling and studying for several years at the nearest school for Biodanza instructors in Milan. She also studied with the founder of Biodanza, Rolando Toro. Now, she leads a Biodanza school in Slovenia. She specializes in Biodanza and Identity, the 4 Elements, Biodanza in Nature, and Biodanza for children and teenagers.

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Jan Obrtel (Czech Republic - Germany)

Biodanza facilitator and didactic instructor (IBF). Systemic-integrative psychotherapist based in Berlin. Since 2009, he has been active as a Biodanza dance therapist in clinics (psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychosomatics), adult education centers, and with seniors. He also works on social and creative projects with children and youth in schools. He is the founder of the podcast „Biodanza – Dance Your Life.“

What will the participation at the Biodanza festival give you?

You will feel livelier and more sincere, you will experience feelings of love and happiness thanks to the development of your human potential. In your life you will begin to implement changes that will reflect your experiences.


You will have more energy, joy and taste for life. You will learn how to relax.


You will experience feelings of unconditional love, you will be more sensitive and responsive, and this will improve your relationships


You will become the creator of your life, stepping out of limiting formulas.


You will release your essential life energy and bring more understanding, love and joy into your everyday reality.


You will start new and deepen your existing friendships.


Finally, you will start living the life you always wanted.

Just imagine:

You feel so fresh, relaxed and full of Life. This is another world. Now everything is so beautiful, you feel euphoria, nothing is a problem.

So many wonderful people around you. You never knew you could ever feel so connected and in connection. 

You know that you belong to this human group. You have close friends. You are well in your body and in your soul.

You are pleased that you allowed yourself to be more sincere, be yourself. 

You are beginning to live the life you really want. You now feel sure in  what you really want and what you need to change and do differently.

And now you’re a little further on your way. It’s an adventurous and fun journey!

Festival program 2024
Program for 2025 is in preparation

Everyday you will experience 2 deepening vivencias (= Biodanza lessons) under the guidance of great facilitators from Europe. The evening program will be both relaxing and fun. In the morning you can practice yoga. There will also be time for afternoon siesta, where your senses will delight with a delicious refreshment or you can indulge in a massage in a special massage tent. Also the TWO LIVE CONCERTS and massage evening is waiting for you! You will feel integrated, calmed and connected with your inner space.


Biodanza Vivencias


Professional lectures









Marie Tilšarová & Kdo jsme my, foto Monika Vosáhlová (1)

Marie Tilšarová (concert o Thursday evening) 

Marie Tilšarová is an inspirer, mindfulness guide, author of mindfulness motivation cards and above all an AUTHENTIC SONG WRITER. What lives sings, what sings lives.

aHer first album PUSH IT THROUGH THE WATER, released in May 2021, has a beautiful acclaim. The songs on it help listeners find peace and joy in life. Although the genre is between folk and pop, people call them therapeutic. The second album HOME, released in June 2022, boasts similar accolades.

Her songs draw you in because they are from life, touching on places and themes, that we all share… they’re very human, kind, wise. profound and sometimes quite funny…

It is accompanied by the band „A WHO ARE WE“ composed of Basa/DrumKit – Pavel Tilšar, Flutes/Saxophones – Martin Penič.

Together they form one (and often too much:-) living organism that will impress you the joy of being in the present moment.

Mantrovníci (Concert on Saturday Evening)

Mantrovníci – songs and mantras that delight the soul, warm the heart, and calm the mind. Come sing and dance with Mantrovníci. For over twenty years, they have been meeting to share traditional and original mantras, as well as many Czech songs. Visit for more information.


Peter Končula (Friday Massage Evening)

Join us for a playful and enjoyable massage evening that creates a space for exploration, discovery, and playful touch. You will have the opportunity to explore various types of touch inspired by the elements. Discover what brings you the most joy in giving and receiving touch. This evening also provides a chance to nurture and receive care from others, while learning to express your desires effectively.

Peter has dedicated over 15 years to the practice of massage and personal development techniques from various traditions. For more information, click on the link


Lenka Balanc – Morning Body Awakening

With over twenty years of experience, Lenka is a dancer and instructor of various movement forms for all ages. She focuses primarily on CONSCIOUS MOVEMENT, which aims to balance bodily imbalances. She emphasizes connecting the body with the mind, promoting a mindful approach to movement and self-care.

It is always possible to start living kindly towards your body, desires, wishes, needs, and feelings.

„I believe that everyone can exercise and dance; it’s just a matter of knowing how. The goal of my classes is not performance, but care. It’s that wonderful feeling of truly settling into yourself. I place great importance on respecting one’s own abilities and limits.“


Stanislava Ketmanová – masseuse

„I have been accompanying women and men with my touch to return to their inwardness, to their nature and spontaneity. During the massage, we dissolve all the tensions and let you blossom the seed of beauty and sensuality into the beautiful flower of bliss. It will be my honor for me to accompany you on your way ….. „


Miroslav Ketman – masseur

„I realize and perceive that there is so little touching and especially tender touching in our everyday life. And yet our bodies subconsciously crave for this. But because we can accept the touches only in a state of complete relaxation and surrender, my intention is to bring you into this state. And then it can energize you together, I can give you a feeling of surrender, a feeling of joy and love for yourself. And I’m absolutely happy to see you leaving my massages glowing and filled with exactly what you need or what you have not gotten before. I look forward to meeting with each of you, if not for a massage so at least in the amazing space of the festival.“


Štěpánka Vágnerová – Founder of YOGAWAY Studio in Beroun – Morning Yoga

For over 10 years, Štěpánka Vágnerová has been dedicated to the practice of yoga therapy under the guidance of PhDr. Jiří Čumpelík, PhD. This therapy is inspired by developmental kinesiology and aims to restore more favorable movement patterns from early childhood. It focuses on conscious movement and activation of the body’s support system for proper alignment. It helps improve or alleviate various health issues such as flat feet, bunions, heel spurs, scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, back and joint pain, and more. However, it is also suitable for experienced yogis who seek effortless asanas or those looking for pain-free movement or compensation for unilateral activities. Practicing this therapy leads to overall improvement in the body’s mobility, joy in movement, and a transformation of one’s life perspective 🙂


270 EUR

For this price you will enjoy:

4 days fulfilled with amazing experience program

Care and inspiration from 5 professional lecturers of Biodanza from Europe.

Concert and party

Morning yoga lessons

Practical information

The festival gates open on Wednesday, July 16, 2025, at 5 PM and the expected end is on Sunday, July 20, 2025, at 3 PM.

We will be accommodated and hosted by Kubasův Mlýn (Hrádek No. 23, Ústí nad Orlicí district, Czech Republic).

Accommodation and food is not part of the festival’s price. Please pay in cash upon arrival in Czech Koruny.  (1 EUR = approx. 25 CZK)

FULL BOARD –  590 CZK/person/day.

ACCOMODATION (prices valid for 2024)

  • Room with private bathroom – 690 CZK/person/night
  • Room without private bathroom – 490 CZK/person/night
  • One-time fee for bed linens – 90 CZK
  • Shared room on a mattress in your own sleeping bag – 370 CZK/person/night
  • In a tent or under the open sky – 290 CZK/person/night
  • With your own accommodation outside the area – 200 CZK/person/night

Can I apply to the festival even though I do not have experience with Biodanza?

We would recommend at least a minimal experience with Biodanza before you apply for the whole festival. The festival is a really intense experience and it is better to know at least a little bit what you are getting into. We then don’t have to explain the full basics at the festival and can go into more depth as a group. You can come for at least 2 weekly lessons or attend a 1 day seminar. You can find a list of options at or

Do I need to know how to dance?

No! 😉

Biodanza is suitable for men and women of all ages. It is not necessary to know how to dance or be physically fit, we do not teach any steps or dance choreography. The philosophy of Biodanza is to bring more fun, pleasure, spontaneity, happiness and love into our lives. And we do this simply by moving – the body tells itself where and how intensely it wants to move.

What is Biodanza?

Biodanza is a holistic system of development. Its methodology is based on intense experiences of the presence that come through music, movement and group encounters. It originated in the 1960s in South America and spread throughout the world. It was founded by Professor Rolando Toro. In translation it means Dance of Life. Our human potential has 5 basic so-called development lines – vitality, creativity, sexuality, feeling and transcendence. At Biodanza lessons, we develop and stimulate these areas, leading to the overall flowering of our personality, the affectivity of fulfillment, satisfaction, joy and love. 

Simply put – Biodanza is an adventure that draws you into the Life!

What do participants say on the Biodanza system?

„Biodanza brought me more love to myself and to others, and showed me the possibilities how to show  love to myself and to others. I’ve had wonderful and intense moments with my partner.


„I feel a lot more perspective and depth. I can better stand up for myself, allow myself space and time when I need it, not to force myself into anything, and at the same time I  allow myself more contact with people and better manage the contact. I allow myself to enjoy more pleasure and to feel my life with passion. „


„BIODANZA has a power to wake up a very exhausted person, pouring the energy into his veins. I felt miserable, and was looking for a reboot. At Biodanza, I have found my strength again, I learned to feel myself. I’m so glad that I discovered Biodanza, it was a great experience for me! „


„Playfulness, joy, Biodanza helped me get out of my head and shake off my worries, I experienced the relaxation and closeness to people – I realized a lot about myself – my restraints, desires, my worries. „


Don´t hesitate!

So if you want to experience feelings of harmony, relaxation, love, joy and belonging.

If you want to take up energy, meet new friends, relax mentally and physically.

If you want to develop your human potential

If these words resonate with you, do not wait!

Capacity of the festival is limited!

So do not hesitate to sign up for the summer festival and draw inspiration, energy and nutrition for your next personal journey!

Have you found all the answers for your questions? If not, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Festival is organized for you by:


Aneta Končulová

Vision, project leader, festival facilitator



Communication with participants

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